Understanding Dark Depths

Fighting a flying indestructible 20/20 is scary. But with this guide, it doesn’t have to be.


Actually, it will still probably be really scary. Michael Pawliuk writes about the nitty-gritty of Dark Depths and how various interactions work with this card such as the infamous Thespian’s Stage, Blood Moon, and Wasteland. Give this article a read to better prepare yourself for the 2016 Legacy Series — the next event is March 19th at Play or Draw.

Of all the cards that see regular play in Legacy, Dark Depths is the one that players understand the least. It interacts bizarrely and unintuitively with many commonly-played cards. I’m going to clear up some of this by explaining how this card actually behaves. I’ll slow down the rules interactions to give you a better idea of when and how to disrupt Dark Depths. By the end of this article, you should feel more confident playing with or against this card.

Check out the full article on Mana Deprived here.