News Regarding Magic Tower Games

Justin Beal, the new owner of Magic Tower Games, recently posted this notice on Facebook:

Greetings all,

As some of you have noticed or been made aware, Magic Tower Games has emptied out of the store location. I am not going to get into the details here, but let me make some points on what this means for the players who play there:

1) There will be no FNM this week (8/24)
2) Matt will be honoring as many pre-orders as he can for FTV:Realms when he gets the product.
3) I am working on purchasing the inventory of the store and will be re-openning as soon as is humanly possible.

The details of where and when are completely driven by how long it takes me to get incorporated and then resolve all the ‘business’ related issues. My plan is to be up and running in time for the Return to Ravnica prerelease weekend. To that end, I will be honoring the pre-orders for Return to Ravinica made at Magic Tower Games at the same pre-order price as Matt was charging.

Not everything will be “just like” Magic Tower Games, but I hope to preserve the spirit and friendly atmosphere that existed at the store and make it a very receptive place to come and play. I will try to keep the group informed as progress is made in re-openning Magic Tower Games, and feel free to contact me privately if you have any concerns or questions.

As the phone number for Magic Tower Games may or may not stay, we will keep you updated on the progress of the new Magic Tower Games.